What do you need to withdraw game tokens. To make withdrawals, you will need:.

03 May 2023, 14:19
What do you need to withdraw game tokens? 1.To make withdrawals, you will need: A) Trust Wallet or Metamask, or you can send directly to the exchange. Bitmart only at the moment. Other exchanges in the future will be possible B) A minimum of 10 Bitconeys collected in the game. C) A payout token that can be purchased for 10,000 emeralds in the game. 2.What can help you collect more Bitconey faster? A) Better hammers will break the tiles faster. B) Gas can help you collect more Bitcoins. If you attack players with gas, there are three types available. Each takes the same percentage, but they differ in attack perimeter. C) Bitconey loss protection masks. You will lose one mask for each attack. D) The shield protects against counterfeit red diamonds."